Emmanuele Macaluso is an athlete currently engaged in the MTB - Cross Country specialty.


Sport is in his DNA. Between the second half of the 90s and early 2000s he was a professional athlete who won several titles and meetings in the throwing of the javelin with the Sisport Fiat Team, trained by the record holder and world champion of the specialty Carlo Lievore.


During his career as an athlete he has been a testimonial and tester for sportswear companies.


Always passionate about cycling, he decided to return to competitive activity in the world of mountain bike (MTB) in Cross Country specialty.


Emmanuele is brought back to the competition fields with the desire to make his popularity, achieved as a scientific communicator, available to two beneficial causes: the Global Awareness Campaign about Light PollutionMission Dark Sky” and the Campaign “Giù le Mani dai Bambini ONLUS” as ambassador.


For his return in sport, Emmanuele founded a marketing and communication project called "EM314" (his initials + his historic race number).

The project is developed on a blog, social media, press and an official fan club: The "CREW".
- 2007 - Athlete awarded by the 9th District of the City of Turin




Nome: Emmanuele

Last name: Macaluso

Nationality: Italian

Residence: Torino (Italia)

Category: Master 3 (M3)

Primary specialty: MTB Olympic Cross Country (XCO)

Secondary specialty: MTB Marathon Cross Country (XCM)

Team: Rodman Azimut Squadra Corse - Turin (Italy)

MTB debut: Assietta Bike - 4th July 2021

Target: Participation in the XCO event at the European Masters Games of Tampere 2023 (Finland)



- The 1909 Ltd - London, UK (Manager: Silvia Cauzzi)



Powered by

- Factory Performance Associazione



Press Office

- Cosmos Media Italia



Media partner

- SMPI Sport Marketing Project Italia



Official Supplier

- Michelin

- Syemme


Technical Partner

- BFO Stile (Corporate Identity)

- Roby Daniele Sais (Personal Trainer)

- Giada Paolillo (Massage Therapist)


Charity and CSR

- Ambassador for Mission Dark Sky

- Testimonial for Giù le Mani dai Bambini ONLUS

- Member of the Italian Sport Manifesto


Other factors of excellence

- EM314 is the greenest and most sustainable athlete in Italy

Following the publication of the 2020 social report - the first case for a single athlete in Italy - the press indicated Emmanuele "EM314" Macaluso as "the greenest athlete in Italy". (January 2021)


- EM314 is a universities case history

Following the publication of the Social Report in 2021, EM314 becomes an university case history (LUMSA of Rome, University of San Marino and University of Valle d'Aosta), is included in academic essays and participates as a speaker in the presentation of the case at university and business academy. These include the 24ORE Business School.
Already in 2020 Emmanuele "EM314" Macaluso was the object of attention from the University of Valle d'Aosta, after he made public the "Remodeling of the marketing strategy in light of the postponement of the sporting debut for the Covid health emergency. 19 ". The document, which can be downloaded for free on the "Academia.edu" portal, was published to provide strategic guidelines to other sports managers to overcome the social-economic-financial crisis scenario.









Join the conversation

#em314  -  #em314official  -  #WeAreEM314















(The 1909 Ltd - London, UK)




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Management Factory Performance Associazione, Turin (Italy)

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